Russia's famous Mariinsky Theatre Orchestra staged a classical music concert in the amphitheater of Syria's Palmyra later on Thursday, just over a month after Russian airstrikes helped push Islamic State militants from the ancient city.
The Kremlin said the concert, conducted by Valery Gergiev, a strong supporter of President Vladimir Putin, was a brilliant way of showing solidarity with Russian forces fighting in Syria as well as the Syrian army.

Russian conductor Valery Gergiev leads a concert in the amphitheatre of the ancient city of Palmyra on May 5, 2016.AFP, Russian Defence Ministry / Vadim Grishankin
"The masters of culture are showing their solidarity by standing by those fighting terrorists," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters in Moscow ahead of the concert. "This of course deserves the highest appreciation."
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3 Tage danach darf auch Haaretz in Israel darüber schreiben, ganz unten vor 13Minuten, was sich in Palmyra ereignete. Spiegel-online im Magazin der Wahrheit, schweigt noch heute.

Und wir erfahren, dass es bis in die Nacht weiterging.

Ein halbe Stunde später war der Beitrag wieder aus Haaretz verschwunden....
wir werden versuchen ihn morgen in ganzer Länge hier zu rekonstruieren.