warum sagt er das

immer wieder

und weiss doch umsonst

wie immer


Kein Geld mehr

keine Waffen mehr

dipl. Beziehungen aussetzen


nur das versteen sie


und wenn es nicht geschieht, nicht geschehen kann, so wäre allein dieses Statement schon Hilfe für alle, die an der Welt verzweifeln angesichts dieser Situation vor aller Augen. Das dann schnelle und beherzte Handeln am 23. Dezmber 8:20 Uhr unserer Zeit in der UNO zeigte, wie sehr die Welt danach hungert.

Wer 1943 nichts gegen Auschwitz tat, wobwohl er wusste, was da geschah, sollte heute handeln.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas responded to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry's speech with a statement expressing his commitment to a just peace as a strategic decision by the Palestinians.
The statement read out by the Palestine Liberation Organization's general-secretary, Saeb Erekat, said that Abbas followed Kerry's speech "with great interest" and that the Palestinian president "reiterated his commitment to a just and lasting peace as a strategic option."
Abbas also said, according to the statement:

ÒThe minute the Israeli government agrees to cease all settlement activities, including in and around Occupied East Jerusalem, and agree to implement the signed agreements on the basis of mutual reciprocity, the Palestinian leadership stands ready to resume permanent status negotiations on the basis of international law and relevant international legality resolutions, including UNSC 2334, under a specified timeframe."
"President Abbas is fully convinced that a just, comprehensive and lasting peace can be reached in all core issues on the basis of the Arab Peace Initiative, with specified terms of reference, which can guarantee to fully end the Israeli occupation and lead to the establishment of an independent State of Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital, on the 1967 border, living in peace and security, side by side, the State of Israel, as well as resolving all core issues, including refugees and prisoners, on the basis of the relevant international legality resolutions."
The statement said Abbas would "continue to cooperate closely with France, which plans to convene next month an international peace conference, in order to guarantee the launching of a credible peace process based on international law, international legality and within a specified timeframe and a new international follow up mechanism."


die Alternative ist



Vormacht in Nah-Ost von Syrien bis Iran

Raketen, Mossad, Atombombe

irsrealischer Faschismus

Modell der Welt

Interesse an Vernichtung vorbiblischen Zeugnisse anderer Kulture



Errichtung eines eigenen historischen Tempelberges. eines biblischen und vorbiblischen Arreals als Zentrum heutiger Existenz.

Israel als Heimstatt aller Juden der Welt braucht Raum. Vermehrte Schaffung von Lagern zur Sichheitsverwahrung anderer.

Home Ê > Ê Opinion
Opinion The Israeli Jailer Whose Orders Killed 21 Palestinian Civilians
Forgetting a familyÕs dead in the 2008-09 Gaza war, and the thousands of other Palestinian civilians killed, is an integral part of IsraelÕs philosophy of existence | Opinion

Amira Hass Dec 28, 2016 3:15 AM
read more: http://www.haaretz.com/opinion/.premium-1.761708

Gefangene der "Sicherheitsverwahrung" sind auch menschliche Wesen.
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Israel war einmal eine Nation der Gerechtigkeit und Gleichheit, W. D. würde damals entlassen werden...

Z.M. 55 Jahre in Jerusalem Chef des Orchesters hatte nur einen Wunsch, einmal einen palästinensischen Musiker unter den israelischen haben zu dürfen.