Betreff: Re: wenigstens was zu lachen heut
Datum: 11. September 2007 MESZ
wie kommt denn das wieder zustande...
hier sieht das immerhin etwa so aus:FotlDwtnQ *? * trarwcrlpti
An eras« ii due \x> Altoh, wtio L. ; v i« haavans ^nd «rtn Ir Justteo, and creattd man as & favor find grace from Hlm. And frorn Hls ways is thai in« days rotate bctween the pcople, and from Hts Law is r?talja«an In kSnd: an eye fo- an eye, a tooth for a tooth and the kS|te' i* klfted. And oll pra« l* duc to Allah, who awakened Hit ilaves* deelrc for tb« Garden, and all of tham wn anter it except tbose whc rcfUMi And wheever obaya Him'Mone in all of his etfairs will cnlar th* Garden, and whoever dt&cbeys Kirn will have rafused.
As for Ahat comes after: Peace b* upon hl who follows ttitr Gufdance. Ptoole of Amerlca: I anaii be sp&ikrno to you on iroportant topics wnich concam you, so lerd mc your eare* I begin oy dii»cu&4tng the war whfcti is öeWeen us und jon: c; ta raperftmions tcr u* anc you.
To (»röface, 1 »y: despfte A^naria bOMfl »e greatest economic pow and possessmo Wo most powcrfui &nd up-to-data fnURfery arsenai a* waiij and d«p<te t spendmq on this war and [s arm/ moiB Chan the enöre »vortd spcnos on its arrniai;; and d«t;>te it bc nc the bemg tfre major statu Influcfitlng tte pctfdee of the warbt aa tf it has a monopoty ot the un)ust Hght of veto; despfce all of tm*, 19 yoiK>Q man were abte - by the Q^aca of Allah, ihe Kost Hign- :o changc the direcüon of *ti conipat*. And In factf tha subjed of tf*e Mujafadaw has becone an irsftparable pa^t of the Speech of^Qur laadtifi and the effects ar>d signs of thatara not h*dden,
Sinro rhe 11*, many of Amenca's pollcies have come underthe tnfluence of the tfujahideen, and that is by tha graca of Allah, tho Moit Hlflh. And z* a resulr, the people öscovcrM the trutn about It *ts r^petatfon wors«iÄdi *Q prefitfg« was brüfcen globally and It was bled dry econorpically, «v^n if OÜI interests overlap «Ith thtt lntcrc»to of tha m^Jor corporatlons and aleo wlth thosa of tha n«Hiton$ervaKves, desptta tnc dfrffertng intwtlop«,
Anijfo^ your Information madia, durir>g the fi'rst v^ara of ihe war, tost its crediDUrty and rranifesteo itsutf a$ a ioo( of tha colonlalist empiraa, and Ita condidon has oftei baen 'AOTS« than th« confltüQn of ihi medTa of the dlctatortal rtgimea which march in tha earavan of tfr« tlngte leadar.
Thi>n B^&h talks about Hs worklpg wlth ai-MallBO andhrsgovemmftnttc spread freodom In Jraqbjt ha in fact la woriting with tha laaders of nne sect aoalr^t anothar <ect, in the bcl^f that ihis JV Jl qu ekly deeide the war in hls favor
Anj thus, what is catied the tfvlt war cama tnto belng ar>d mattere worsanad at h»s band» befora genngout of hiacontrol and bim becomfiolika ttw? an« whopto^s and sowsthe sea: heharv&ts no^nQbutfaMura.
So m*se are somo of tfte resuits of the fre«om about »hose spreading he fs talWng to you, Ano then Ihe bacHtmddng of Bush on h i IrtfiRence or rot givlng tne Jplted Natlons axpanded jji :c et ci- *n Ireq s en impirdt ainission of bis \ois and defeat tnere.
And *mong the most Important Itcms contained In Bush's sgeecnes si.nce the events of the 11" is tnat tie A^vericans nave no optlon but fo conönue the war, Th|s tone is *n fact an echoing et the words o* neoconfiervattves l<ke Cheney, Rumsfetc and Richard *earie, ne latter havmg said pravidudy that the Americens have no chotee in front of them other than to contin je the war c faoa a hol'taust.
l say, refuting Hill unjust ttatwnent, that th« nicrallty and eulture of the holocaust »s your eulture, not our eulture. In fact, burnrnc Rvlnfl PcinQS Is fooldden m our re^ion, even tf tftey bc smali |ka the airt, so wflat or man?! The hoiocaust of the Je« was earrted out by your bretftren m ti» mtfdie of Europa, but *ed It been doser to ou* countnes, noit of the )ews wojld have been saued by taklet refuge*tth us. And my proof forthat (sin *hatyour brothft'*, the Spanish, did when they rat irf the norrlb'e courts of the Inquisition to try ^alrms and Jtws, when ehe lews or>ty fojnd a^fc shMürby taktng refuge rnour countrte*. And thatis why the Jewisn Community In Morocco today is onec'thelargestcommunitiesinthe world. They arealive wttn wand we have not fnetaerated rhenv but we are a people who don't jJ*e:> undar opprestlon and rejeet humittetton and disgrace, jidvc take revenge 01 the people of tyrar.r > and Aggression, and Ehe D .:&#9632;&#9632;: .1 of the Muslimi will not lw Iplbd «»öl »mpynity, and ma morrow Is nlgrr for he who awaits,
Also, four Christian brothars have Oden Ifvlng amorQ us for u centür;esr |n Egypt aionaf there are rnJlHon* of Christians whoer we Kava not Indn^rated a^d shail not Indnerata, But the fact is, there \s a corrarvjtag and birced campolgn bamg waged dehnst ua for o tong ttme now oy ypur potfcboos and r »eny of your wnttrt by nay or your med'ö, espcctally Hollywood, for tne purpose of misre jnssemtpg Islam anditsadharent* todnveyou away from thetruer^llglon. Thegenocde of peopl ;s and thclr holocausts took place at your HlRtt! cnly a faw spadmens of FUd IndJan« wara Äpant \t and Just a faw days ago. thft Japan**«) observad ttie 62nd annpvafsarv of tha anmhilatlon of HirosMma and Nagasaki by your nucf«r weapons.
And among tht thTngs which catch the ey K of the one who conslders ehe ncpsrcassion? or your unjust wjrajainst Iraq is thaftiiluraof your d^moeratie s>sten\ desp tc rtraisingof the alogans of JlBttCCi hbait^*, rquahty and humanitariarlsn. It has not on*y failed to aentova th©sc thinge, (t has actuaily dettrf<ycd thescand otnar co^eepts wlth IBwaapor t - tspcdalty In Iraq jr; Afghanistan* ina brazofashton, to repJace them y/lth te^daso-uctlon. WHln^ hungef, l»nessr dlsptacement and mom than a mlllron orphans in Bacböad alone, not zo rrwnbon hundnjos of thousanös of wWows. Amtrlcansstatlsticsspeakof the killlng of more th«n 650,000 of the otoplaof Ir^q as a nisult of the wara^d ks repercusstons.
Peoph? of Amerfca; tne wortd ts lollowln^ your news tn regards to your invas:on of Iraq, for peopla have ?ccentfy coma to knovi that, after severai years of the tragedies 0* this war, the vas: ma)orlty of you want It stopped. Thus, you electad th6 DeoiocraUc Party for this pjrpDse, b Jt tne Democrats havert made a move worth mentlonlng^ on tfte contrary, tney conürtue to agree to tne spendlng of tens cf Miuons to continue the killlng and war there whlch has red to tne vast majority of yoo Delng affllct-id wlih disappöifttmem.
And hare Is the gist of the matter, so ope snould pause, thinfc and reflect: wny have the Demccrets raüed to stop this war, desprto dem being the majoritv?
I wiB :oft^e back to reply to thifi quastfoo aftorra^oirg onother question, which iai
Why lins the teadersof the wniteHousekeen to Start war» and wage them arouno the worw, and maxe use of every pos&bie opqoctunity throjgh which they can reach this puroose, occas<onalIy even ^eatlng ]ustiflcat4ons based on deeepton andDlatant ÜÄÄ, as you H«n Iraq?
In t» e Vietnam War, the 'eaders or the wiutc House cJaimed at tne tlmo tnat lt was a nwesWv »nd cruc af war. and durln^ it, Runttfeid ard his aides fnurdtred t»o millfon vPlage^ And when Ktn^^dv took ovej Un prssteercy and deviated *ron thc generai Ifnc of odicy d**wn up fortha whfW *ou*e and «aited to stop thls unjcist ****/ that anc*r*<j the owntn of the major «rporations who ivere tMMRM from iti coaHnuactan.
And so Kennedy was tolled. «nd al-Qalda warnt present at ttiat um«, but ratner, mcse corporations *-ere Oic pnmary banfiflctary 'rom h« totlng. Ard fre war corrtinued after that for apororfmatciy one tJecede, 6ut aftar rt became dear to you that <t wat an unfwk and unneeeswry war, you made ©na uf yourflraatafit pnMiikWj in that you nelthcrbrouchttoaccount ftop punished those wjiowsged thls ivar, not «von tic rrost vlolont or* Its murdersrs, Rumfifald. Anc even more ineradible lhan that iatlmtBush picKad hkn as tfcratary crdefansein hi$ firat ttnn afte-jicfchg Cheney ashisvlce-presttent, Powell as sec^eta^V of stat« ano Armrtaoe ai Powafi't deputy, defpjtß thelr horrrfö ond blcor hlstory of murderino humans. So that was &#9632;: CÜ&#9632; sigral that h*s administration * thc admhwratioflorthcsena^i«- didYtheveas itsittaln concarn theaerving of humanlty, bul rathc, was intcrastad *n brtngtng ©pout ncw maswcres. Yet in »ite of that, you perrrftted Bush to comptete hiafirstterm, and oranger rtill, ehose ft*m fore lecond t*rm( wh<h gavehlm a d»r nandats fram you - wJth your Ml knowJedga and consent to continoc to murder our peopte n Iraq and Afghanistan.
Thei yw dahr to be Innocontl Thh inrwtence of your«t l* iike my irwie£«ne* of tho biood <rf your SOns on the llth ? were Itoc'alm suc^ia tlvnfl. But *t l| Jmpossible for nc to riumorany ofyou In thear^gancaand IndEffcrenc« youihow for the Uvos of numaf»5 oi/tsids Amenca, or forme to humcryoürteadersin th#ir fyJn9, es thc entira wand knows they have tha IfOn'sshara ofthat. Thcsi; enorala aretft our rflordls* Wtiat I want to emphasiz& tww r. that not talong past war crimiueJs to actourt \eü to tnem repeatlng mat crfmA of kithng humar ty wfrhout ri^ht and wagjng
thliunjurtwarin Me«opotani*a, and as a raiuit, ha^e *f^ thccppresscd oneatoday conbnuW9 to take rnht *rc- you.
Thla *#af ww cnüraly uinacassary, as testheo to by yoor owa reports. *vJ amon? tha mort capat tfi Of those from your own side who speak to vou on tfils topic and on th* manufactuHng of ptbU oplnton 'S Noam Chomßky, who «pok« sobcr worts of advtce pr*or to the war« butthft leader of Taxaa dowl1! itk* ttx«a who 9*ve Mvlca» The cnürc worid came ogt in unprscedented dflmoirt-attons to warr again*t wajing the war ar»d descriöc its truö nature n eicflucnt tcrms Dkl *noU*aplMig radblooC forbiaöc oil^yat hepatd th^m nohfifid. It s t*fne for h^mankind toknow tnat tslic of tne rlghta of man ond freedom ara lies prodücM by tha Whlta HOUM aid its o Ilei In Ejropt tn d«elve hamani, uka control of thctr destinicj and 4gb)ugata Uiem.
So In jnswar to thc questioi »out the OMMS of tlfi CW/nocrats1 failuw to £top the war, ! say? they ara tha same roason» whlcb led to the faflur* cf fo'mar orcsldant Kanredy to atop tw Vietnani war. Thosc wlth real power and inftuenca am thosa wfth tne most capftal. ArKl afnea the demoeratfe systefn p^onits major corpocationa to back cardrCdtes, be tney presidfinQai or congresHonai, there ahout^nt ba any cause (or a^tonishment ? and therft \snt any- in the Danvyrats" tcUuw to stop tha war *fld you'ra thc onss Uho hava t-ia sayfng whicH gocg, *'>loncy talks*' And I teil yom öfter thc faiun of your raprwantattves In th« Damocratic Party to impaernent yoijrdcslra to itop the war, you «n rttt carry antl-war placa/ds and spreod out *n the straets of majfif cMeir than go back to your homaii, but that will b« of no üse and will lead to tn* prokmging of f>e war
Howai^r, »ara are t-vo wlutiora for stopptag it. Tha flrst b froro our i*da* and it ts to ronönue to esealate tha »oBiog and f*ghbn9 agatnst you* Thw isourduty, and our örothers are c^rrylng ff OUt, and 1 15k AJlan to grant then resotve erd viaorv» And the seconc scluüon I» from ycur »de. lt has now b zcome dear to yoj and the entlre worfd the Jmpotenca of the danoerafle syetem ^d how it püys vitn the ^nterests of the pcoolcs and tf»efp öldod öy sacnfltfng soldiers ona populatlons to achteve the internst* of the major corporatfons.
And w th th»t, ^ hea become c^ear to all that they »ro the real tyrartcal terrorlsts* In fact, tne llfe
of all iif mankfnd ts In danger because of the global wa-rning rwurtirg toa large iegree from the emfo ons of the betörtes of the major corporattans, yet tiesptte tha1. tre nsoresentative of diese corpotaüons in the Whtte Houae Insfets on not observtiig tha Kyoto aecorü, with tha knowtedge that the ' :t sr< ip«kfiüf thtt death arid displacemenccf tha mllllowof human bcin^js ttcauic of mit, espec 8i*/ In Afrtca. mit grastest of plagues arid most dangerous of threats to the tives of humans is taking place In an jccrieradnB fashton as tnc worifl ti Dftlng domtnated by UM demecratie syrtem, whien confinn* its massive felfure to orotect hurnans and ther interests from tha Qregd and avarice of tho majo' ccrporatlons and thtfr repräsentatives.
Artd dJsptta thts brazen attack on tha paople, tha leaüors of ehe West &#9632; espedalty Bush, fllair, Sarkom and Bmwn- &#9632;um talk aboutfreedomand human rtghtc with * llagrantdffragardfor Via intette:taof human trangs. So Es there a form of terrortsmsfronger, dsarer and more dangerous tviiis1 Thisb why I teilyot; « you Iberatad yourselve» befare r-gm tne slavery of nonks, kngs, and feuJahsm, you snewld liberale yourselves from the dtcepöon, fhacklas and attrltion of the ca3ltal>st System.
]f you ;- r, - ij ponder It we(r, you would find Uwt in the end, it Is a sy^tem hersne- anü fleroer than yourSystems in the Mlddie Ages. The capitdllst syttem staks to turn the enöre world Into a fiefdom o* the major corporattons undarth« labal of *globdlt2&Hon*inontertö profcaetdamocracy.
And Iraq and Afghanistan J Ü Lhair KTMCdttS; anfl tne reellng of mary Of yoj under tle burder of rrtcra;t-relüted debts, toane taxesana real estat* mortgages; global warming and Kswoes; artf the ebfect poverty and trag* hunger in Afrlca: alt of this is but cne skte of tha grm fae* of thfc g'Obal System
So <t h Tiperetiva that you frec younselves from al of that and search for an alternative, upright metfxidoiogy lr which K (t noc tna busirtw of any oaß of humanity to ray cown Its own üw& to Its own a Wantage at the expenie of the othe; clas«S as is the case wj» VÖU, slnee *a a&serK« a' man-nade potftive laws is that thay wrve the interasts of thosa with tha capftal and thuc make tt»e rieh ffiiier dnd tftc poor poorer.
ThCHifaiiibfcmemoflojogy 15 t^e metfiodology of AlJah, the Most High, who created the heavens ard earth ind peated tha Creatiori and 1$ the Most Kind and AH-Infbrmed ftnd the Knower of the muH of His sUves and the methodotogy that best su*ö the^i»
You tnitevc wth absolute certdinty that you befievfi In Allah, and you are fuil o( corvlcüon of W$ öc r ? so rn JCM K that you nave wntten thls belief of yours on your doMar.
Ö uttht truth is that you are rr>'4tafc$'n thisbcllef of youn.Thetmpartial Judpe knewa that beltefln Allah faquire» straigttnesa in the foilowfng of Hl9 methooology, and accordingly» towl obedjence mEt he to tha orriars and prohlbtaon$ of Aflah Aiona in all aspects of Ufa.
So howaooutyou wh»nyou aisocat« others w»h Hirn in your belle** and separate itatefron reMgro \ ther dalm that you are believers?!
What */ou hav« done is clear IOSÄ and manffe^t polytheism, And I will you a parable of potythilsm, as parebea summ^äc and darffy speech^
l teil vou: tts oardbte fs the parable of a man who ßwn* a Shop and M&$ a worker and teils hlm, "Seil aad glv« me the money." but ha maket sale$ and gtvc the money to someono other than ehe owner* So who of you would approve of that?
You bül*eve Chat AJlan Is your Lord and your Creator aW the Creator of thJs earth and that it Is H«s propeity, üren you wrk on ms eartn and propart/ without His Orders and wthout obcying Htm, and you leistete (n contradiction ro HK 1 aw and me^<>dok>gy.
9/6/0? $ 2Q07Q2G6FI
Trite wer* ofyoursis the greatest form ofpoJythersni and & rneWen aga inst obedtonce ta Allan wrth whfcl the be/Iever öecomes an ünbeHever, evan If ht obeys Ariah W some of Hl« otfiar Orders. Alfott* ttiss r 'ost nign, sem ööwn hfts ordert in Htt Sacred Bocks Uke the Tßrah : &#9632; d Evung* önd sent with thefl the M£sxer>Qers ^AJIah's pray«rs and peace b« upon them) m beeren of qügd news to thfi peof le.
And sveryone wrhö »eUeves In them a^d compJiea wltn them /s a beHever from tn* people of the GörCfln. Then when themenof knowledge attered the words of Allah, the Moat Hign, önd soid metf lor 8 paitry prtee, as the rabtxs öld ivith the Torah and tne rnonka wW* the Evangef. A'lah sent down Hls fmai Book, the rwgnlficwnt QurAn, and sereguafdec it from baing added ro or subtracted from by ttia handsof men, and in jt b acomplwmerhodtfQgyfor tha Evwof all peop(e<
And <iur nolding firm to thls magniricier>t Book is the sacket of our itmgtt ond wlnflJng of the war jgairst yoo desstte ehe fawness of ournj^o^fi ar>d materiel.
And J'you *ould tike to ge: co know some tf the re&sons foryour losing of yourw*r*gamst u6( then reao *e book of Michael Scheuer in Hiic reganl.
Donf b« tumed öway from Islam by the terlbk Situation of the Mutfirns today, (or our rulers in genial abaadonod isiam many decadei ogo, but ojr forefirthers wer* the ludert: and ploneers of the world formany cehttrtes, wben tney helo firmly to Islam,
And tafore condudlnflr I teil your tnere r>u _&#9632;--. an Increase fr the ennkers who studv events and happ^ings, endontta teil* ortherstudy,t*ey have öadaröd the approach ofthe collaps« ofthe Amer can Empire*
Amono tham is the Eurapean thlnkerwho antlcipatcd the fall gf frt Sovfet Union, whith ndeedftlL And rt wouW benefit you to read what he wrote ö&ojt wnat com«s aftf tha eTip^ra in regard to the Unicef Stataa of Amarica. lotso wadt tobring your fittentiontMt aiTwig the c^aatest -eaäonsfb^ the ofMPM of the sovlat Union was *eir Being affKted wtth the<r testier er«hiev# wt>o was overttiken by pnda and arrc^&nce and rafused to look at ttie facts o^ the grourd, From trie f\rst year ti the Afshanista« JnvaÄror», reports ntfcatad tHat the RUSSJCHU were l«lng the war, Dut he refusd d to acknowiadga nis, last«; go down in his personal ni&iory as a tiefeat, even tnougf* rafisal toacf<now1edgcdcfeat m>t onty doesnftdoanythingfochanga thofactc for thlnklng paople, buc also exawbates üie problen and *ocreases the losses. Anfl how sirrtlar te your pos«on today to the|r poettK^n appnsxlmately two decades ago. The ml&tak«s of arethnav are bemg rtpeflttd by Bu«i, who - when asked sbo^t th* date of his wfthdrawing of fort« from Iraq - salp In effeet that tne wthtirawol wM nocM during hlsretcin, but rathe*, ßjnng the retgn o*tnaone v&c sueeeeds him. And tf*ö signlfunca of tn&se words ^ not Mddcn.
And rvva Isay; It would benefit you 10 l<stcn to tte poignant messages of your solöiars in Iraq« vriio are paying * wftft thalr blood, nerves ^nd scactered Itmbs * the prlce tor the» sorts of irnutponsiaie Statements. Among ttwn e ttie efoQtent message of Joshua whkh ha sant by way of the nedlq, in whlch he Wlpes tne tears from his ey** and descrlbes Amancon pojrticions In h^*h tarns and Jnvtes Ihem »o joln Nm thena for a few days. &art>aps hls nte^sagt wir flnc 1^ you an aCenOvc ear so you can reicue him and rwm tnan 150,000 Qf yotr sons there who are ustng the two bitterest thmgc:
It Ehe) laave thelr barracks, the mints devoiK them, and \f they refu*« to te^ve, njüngs are passe« agafr^r them- Tnus, the only opbons »oft In front of them are to cotnmK sulcöe or cry, both of wtoch ara fr( m tho «evorost of afflictkKis. so b there anytning more rnen C8fl öo after cylng and kflling tham :lves io make you rtspond to them? They are doing that out of »* «evonty of the humlMOon, fearard terror whid>th«V aresuffering, It Is stverirthan whet the slaves used to suffer Bt your hands centuries ago, and it te as ff some of them have gone fr^m oie ^lavery to anoth* r slawry more aevera and harmful, even lf !t bc in thefancy dmn of thooefense OepartmAne« ffnandal «nöcementa,
Sodcyour*«ittiegf«tp&ss of thdrsuffenngs^
To co^cluüe, I invite you to ernbrace Isfdm, for the gr*ate$t mfstake one can make In thls world and on£ uhich ö uneofreetaWe b to die wWle not surrendenng TO Allah, the Most Hign, ir all aspectf of ontf's life -lt.. to die outside of Islam, And Islam mtaro galn for you In thfs fkst llfe and ttw next, final Uk The true rtUtfon ls a mercy for people In fretr lives, flllmg their hearts wlth serenity and calm-
There ls a n«iage for yoü In the pMuJahfdeefi: ttve entire world ls in pursuit öf them, yet their hcarb* by the grace o/AllaX ara satoftcd and tranquti. ITC true reilgion Also putc pooptes* ih*as in orter witt> Ita lawa; protects their neetfa end intcrc&ts; rtftpes thetr morais; pfötects them from cviis; and guarantee* for them entrance Into Paradlse »n the hereafter through their obedlenco to Allah und srncere wor*hlp of Htm Atono.
And t will also achiov* your ceskc to stpp the war as a consequence, becaus* as soen as the warmiKijaring ownem of the major corpflrations realfze (hat you have lost eojtfidence in yöur dernoiraric System and begun to «arch for an alternative, and that tWs alternative s Islam, thoy wTirun aftervou to pleKeyouandaehteve what you want to ateeryou away from lalam. So yflur trutf omplUnce wlth Ifllam will depriv« thern of tfiar oppotunlty to defraud the peo^es and take theJr r^oney irnder nurtttörous pretexts, "ke arrs deals and so on.
The/e a-e no taxes in Islam, but ratherth*rei*a ilmlted Zakaot [atms) tMoHK cnly 2.5%. So bewariöf thedeeeption of thoso witn the caaitai. And wlth yourcane*t r«clf>ß aboutisiam rröm lu prMine £ourcc5, you w«i arnve at an important tnjth, wnich s that tne rtligion of all of the Propste <peace and blessings of AHah te upon tham) tt ona, and that \t& essence s iubnissJon to ifitt OTIlBR cf Ailah Atone m atl aspects of l^fe, evan f the r 5harilah* [lÄm] dfffer,
And tfU you kn^w that the nameof the Prophet ofÄlah Jesusand his mother(pcac« and blessings of A'«I be on them botft) ore rnentioncd in the Noble Quran Cozent of times, and that In the Qjran tnere ls a chapter whosa name te "Maryam," i.e. Mary, dau^Tter of Imran and nwther of 3*su* (pe<*a anö Hessrngs of Allah bs upon ti\err\ both)? fr teils *e «o^y o' her becomiog prägnant wlth the Priphet of A/Iah Jesu« (peaceand Dless^ngs of Allah be upon tham Both), und in »sconfimaHon of her ehastity and purily, 10 conu^it to (he fabncaöons of rte Jews agalnst her* Whoever wi?h« to find ? -. r: out for hjm«rf mu« loten to the verse of thls magn^ficent chapter: ont of the )ust khg& of the Chrtsb'an* - the Negus * llstered ;o sc*r>e ot <u verses and h*s eyas weJIed Up wlth tears and ha sald st mething whfeh ihould be r^flected on for a long time by tho»a öncere in their scarch for ftt trutn*
He «M, Verlly, tnfs er»d wnat Jesus brought come frtni on* tamem': i.e., that the magnlfkent Quran and tne Evargel are both from AJIah, the Most High; and every jtist and intelligent one of you whorufleetsontheQuran wü» do*!nttely a*rtvc ot Bus truth, R also must be noted that Allah bas preaar/ad the Qt*ran fron the alteratwns or men. Ana reedins in order to become acquainted wlth Islam imty requir^s a litt e effort, and tnose of you who are gulded w|l profit greaUy. And peace t>e upon he who foltews the Guldan«.
$f$/07 7 2007Q9Q&C1

Betreff: wenigstens was zu lachen heut